class: center, middle # Functional Programming use case: Excel Parser `@JulienTruffaut` ??? - notes here - see --- # Use case .center[![workbook](workbook-intro.png)] --- # Use case .center[![workbook](workbook-with-name.png)] --- # Excel API: Workbook ```scala libraryDependencies += "org.apache.poi" % "poi-ooxml" % "3.15" ``` ```scala import{Workbook, WorkbookFactory} def load(fileName: String): Workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(fileName)) val workbook = load("example.xlsx") ``` ``` ``` All codes and slides are available on github at `julien-truffaut/excel-parser` --- # Excel API: Name ```scala scala> val oilProd = workbook.getName("OilProd") oilProd: = org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFName@388b6fea scala> val oilProdFormula = oilProd.getRefersToFormula oilProdFormula: String = Sheet1!$B$6:$J$6 ``` .center[![workbook](workbook.png)] --- # Excel API: AreaReference ```scala import val oilProdFormula = workbook.getName("OilProd").getRefersToFormula val area = new AreaReference(oilProdFormula, workbook.getSpreadsheetVersion) ``` ```scala scala> val cellRefs = area.getAllReferencedCells cellRefs: Array[] = Array( [Sheet1!$B$6], [Sheet1!$C$6], [Sheet1!$D$6], [Sheet1!$E$6], [Sheet1!$F$6], [Sheet1!$G$6], [Sheet1!$H$6], [Sheet1!$I$6], [Sheet1!$J$6]) scala> cellRefs.foreach(println) [Sheet1!$B$6] [Sheet1!$C$6] [Sheet1!$D$6] [Sheet1!$E$6] [Sheet1!$F$6] [Sheet1!$G$6] [Sheet1!$H$6] [Sheet1!$I$6] [Sheet1!$J$6] ``` --- # Excel API: Cell ```scala val cellRef = cellRefs.head val cell = workbook. getSheet(cellRef.getSheetName). getRow(cellRef.getRow). getCell(cellRef.getCol) ``` -- ```scala scala> cell.getNumericCellValue res6: Double = 10.12 ``` -- ```scala scala> cell.getStringCellValue java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot get a STRING value from a NUMERIC cell at org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell.typeMismatch( at org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell.getRichStringCellValue( at org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell.getStringCellValue( ... 308 elided ``` --- # Cell error handling ```scala case class ParserError(ref: String, expectedFormat: String, message: String) ``` -- ```scala import cats.syntax.either._ import case class SafeCell(cell: Cell){ val reference = s"${cell.getSheet.getSheetName}!${cell.getAddress}" def asDouble: Either[ParserError, Double] = Either.catchNonFatal(cell.getNumericCellValue).leftMap(e => ParserError(reference, "Numeric", e.getMessage) ) def asString: Either[ParserError, String] = Either.catchNonFatal(cell.getStringCellValue).leftMap(e => ParserError(reference, "String", e.getMessage) ) } ``` --- # Cell error handling ```scala val safeCell = SafeCell(cell) ``` ```scala scala> safeCell.asDouble res9: Either[ParserError,Double] = Right(10.12) scala> safeCell.asString res10: Either[ParserError,String] = Left(ParserError(Sheet1!B6,String,Cannot get a STRING value from a NUMERIC cell)) ``` --- # Parsing API ```scala def numericRange(workbook: Workbook, name: String): Either[ParserError, List[Double]] = ??? def numeric(workbook: Workbook, name: String): Either[ParserError, Double] = ??? def stringRange(workbook: Workbook, name: String): Either[ParserError, List[String]] = ??? def string(workbook: Workbook, name: String): Either[ParserError, String] = ??? // ... ``` ```scala numericRange(workbook, "OilProd") ``` --- # Parsing Doubles ```scala def numericRange(workbook: Workbook, name: String): Either[ParserError, List[Double]] = { val formula = workbook.getName(name).getRefersToFormula val area = new AreaReference(formula, workbook.getSpreadsheetVersion) val cells = => workbook .getSheet(cellRef.getSheetName) .getRow(cellRef.getRow) .getCell(cellRef.getCol) ) val safeCells: List[SafeCell] = val doubles: List[Either[ParserError, Double]] = ??? } ``` --- # Parsing Doubles ```scala import cats.syntax.traverse._ import cats.instances.either._ import cats.instances.list._ def numericRange(workbook: Workbook, name: String): Either[ParserError, List[Double]] = { val formula = workbook.getName(name).getRefersToFormula val area = new AreaReference(formula, workbook.getSpreadsheetVersion) val cells = => workbook .getSheet(cellRef.getSheetName) .getRow(cellRef.getRow) .getCell(cellRef.getCol) ) val safeCells: List[SafeCell] = val doubles: List[Either[ParserError, Double]] = doubles.sequenceU } ``` --- # Parsing Doubles ```scala def numericRange(workbook: Workbook, name: String): Either[ParserError, List[Double]] = { val area = new AreaReference(workbook.getName(name).getRefersToFormula, workbook.getSpreadsheetVersion) => workbook .getSheet(cellRef.getSheetName) .getRow(cellRef.getRow) .getCell(cellRef.getCol) ).map(SafeCell).traverseU(_.asDouble) } ``` -- ```scala scala> numericRange(workbook, "OilProd") res18: Either[ParserError,List[Double]] = Right(List(10.12, 12.34, 8.83, 6.23, 9.18, 12.36, 16.28, 18.25, 20.01)) scala> numericRange(workbook, "PrimaryProduct") res19: Either[ParserError,List[Double]] = Left(ParserError(Sheet1!B4,Numeric,Cannot get a NUMERIC value from a STRING cell)) ``` --- # Parsing Doubles ```scala def numericRange(workbook: Workbook, name: String): Either[ParserError, List[Double]] = { val area = new AreaReference(workbook.getName(name).getRefersToFormula, workbook.getSpreadsheetVersion) => workbook .getSheet(cellRef.getSheetName) .getRow(cellRef.getRow) .getCell(cellRef.getCol) ).map(SafeCell).traverseU(_.asDouble) } ``` ```scala scala> numericRange(workbook, "foo") java.lang.NullPointerException at .numericRange(
:36) ... 598 elided ``` --- # Parsing Doubles ```scala sealed trait ParserError extends Product with Serializable case class InvalidFormat(ref: String, expectedFormat: String, message: String) extends ParserError case class MissingName(name: String) extends ParserError case class MissingCell(ref: String) extends ParserError ``` ```scala def getArea(workbook: Workbook, name: String): Either[ParserError, AreaReference] = Either.catchNonFatal( new AreaReference(workbook.getName(name).getRefersToFormula, workbook.getSpreadsheetVersion) ).leftMap(_ => MissingName(name)) def getSafeCell(workbook: Workbook, cellRef: CellReference): Either[ParserError, SafeCell] = Either.catchNonFatal(SafeCell( workbook .getSheet(cellRef.getSheetName) .getRow(cellRef.getRow) .getCell(cellRef.getCol) )).leftMap(_ => MissingCell(cellRef.toString)) ``` --- # Parsing doubles ```scala def numericRange(workbook: Workbook, name: String): Either[ParserError, List[Double]] = for { area <- getArea(workbook, name) cells <- area.getAllReferencedCells.toList.traverseU(getSafeCell(workbook, _)) doubles <- cells.traverseU(_.asDouble) } yield doubles ``` ```scala scala> numericRange(workbook, "OilProd") res23: Either[ParserError,List[Double]] = Right(List(10.12, 12.34, 8.83, 6.23, 9.18, 12.36, 16.28, 18.25, 20.01)) scala> numericRange(workbook, "PrimaryProduct") res24: Either[ParserError,List[Double]] = Left(InvalidFormat(Sheet1!B4,Numeric,Cannot get a NUMERIC value from a STRING cell)) scala> numericRange(workbook, "foo") res25: Either[ParserError,List[Double]] = Left(MissingName(foo)) ``` --- # Parsing Product ```scala case class Production(oil: List[Double], gas: List[Double]) def production(workbook: Workbook, oilName: String, gasName: String ): Either[ParserError, Production] = ??? ``` --- # Parsing Product ```scala case class Production(oil: List[Double], gas: List[Double]) def production(workbook: Workbook, oilName: String, gasName: String ): Either[ParserError, Production] = for { oil <- numericRange(workbook, oilName) gas <- numericRange(workbook, gasName) } yield Production(oil, gas) ``` --- # Parsing Product ```scala trait Parser[A] def product[A, B](pa: Parser[A], pb: Parser[B]): Parser[(A, B)] = ??? ``` --- # Parsing Product ```scala trait Parser[A]{ def parse(workbook: Workbook, name: String): Either[ParserError, A] } ``` -- ```scala val numericRange = new Parser[List[Double]]{ def parse(workbook: Workbook, name: String): Either[ParserError, List[Double]] = ??? } ``` ```scala def numericRange(workbook: Workbook, name: String): Either[ParserError, List[Double]] = ??? ``` --- # Parsing Product ```scala trait Parser[A]{ def parse(workbook: Workbook, name: String): Either[ParserError, A] } def product[A, B](pa: Parser[A], pb: Parser[B]): Parser[(A, B)] = new Parser[(A, B)]{ def parse(workbook: Workbook, name: String): Either[ParserError, (A, B)] = for { a <- pa.parse(workbook, ???) b <- pb.parse(workbook, ???) } yield (a, b) } ``` --- # Parser ```scala trait Parser[A]{ def parse(workbook: Workbook): Either[ParserError, A] } ``` -- ```scala def numericRange(name: String): Parser[List[Double]] = new Parser[List[Double]]{ def parse(workbook: Workbook): Either[ParserError, List[Double]] = for { area <- getArea(workbook, name) cells <- area.getAllReferencedCells.toList.traverseU(getSafeCell(workbook, _)) doubles <- cells.traverseU(_.asDouble) } yield doubles } ``` --- # Parsing Product ```scala def product[A, B](pa: Parser[A], pb: Parser[B]): Parser[(A, B)] = new Parser[(A, B)]{ def parse(workbook: Workbook): Either[ParserError, (A, B)] = for { a <- pa.parse(workbook) b <- pb.parse(workbook) } yield (a, b) } ``` -- ```scala val oil = numericRange("OilProd") val gas = numericRange("GasProd") val foo = numericRange("Foo") ``` ```scala scala> product(oil, gas).parse(workbook) res31: Either[ParserError,(List[Double], List[Double])] = Right((List(10.12, 12.34, 8.83, 6.23, 9.18, 12.36, 16.28, 18.25, 20.01),List(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.2, 6.5, 6.38, 5.72, 4.54, 6.99))) scala> product(oil, foo).parse(workbook) res32: Either[ParserError,(List[Double], List[Double])] = Left(MissingName(Foo)) ``` --- # Parsing Production ```scala scala> product(oil, gas).parse(workbook) res33: Either[ParserError,(List[Double], List[Double])] = Right((List(10.12, 12.34, 8.83, 6.23, 9.18, 12.36, 16.28, 18.25, 20.01),List(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.2, 6.5, 6.38, 5.72, 4.54, 6.99))) ``` ```scala case class Production(oil: List[Double], gas: List[Double]) def production: Parser[Production] = ??? ``` --- # Map ```scala def map[A, B](pa: Parser[A])(f: A => B): Parser[B] = new Parser[B]{ def parse(workbook: Workbook): Either[ParserError, B] = pa.parse(workbook).map(f) } ``` -- ```scala val production = map(product(oil, gas)){case (oil, gas) => Production(oil,gas)} ``` ```scala scala> production.parse(workbook) res35: Either[ParserError,Production] = Right(Production(List(10.12, 12.34, 8.83, 6.23, 9.18, 12.36, 16.28, 18.25, 20.01),List(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.2, 6.5, 6.38, 5.72, 4.54, 6.99))) ``` --- # Parser is a Cartesian Functor ```scala trait Functor[F[_]]{ def map[A,B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] } trait Cartesian[F[_]]{ def product[A, B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A, B)] } ``` --- # Parser is a Cartesian Functor ```scala implicit val cartesianFunctor: Functor[Parser] with Cartesian[Parser] = ??? ``` ```scala import cats.syntax.all._ val oil = numericRange("OilProd") val gas = numericRange("GasProd") val production = (oil |@| gas).map(Production) ``` -- ```scala (oil |@| gas |@| foo) ``` --- # Coproduct ```scala sealed trait Fee extends Product with Serializable case class TechnicalFee(technical: Double) extends Fee case class ExplorationFee(exploration: Double, postExploration: Double) extends Fee ``` -- ```scala val technicalFee: Parser[TechnicalFee] = numeric("TechnicalFee").map(TechnicalFee) val explorationFee: Parser[ExplorationFee] = (numeric("ExplorationFee") |@| numeric("PostExplorationFee")).map(ExplorationFee) ``` -- ```scala scala> technicalFee.parse(workbook) res41: Either[ParserError,TechnicalFee] = Left(MissingName(TechnicalFee)) scala> explorationFee.parse(workbook) res42: Either[ParserError,ExplorationFee] = Right(ExplorationFee(1.4,5.8)) ``` ```scala val fee: Parser[Fee] = ??? ``` --- # Combine ```scala def combine[A](p1: Parser[A], p2: Parser[A]): Parser[A] = new Parser[A]{ def parse(workbook: Workbook): Either[ParserError, A] = p1.parse(workbook) orElse p2.parse(workbook) } ``` -- ```scala scala> val fee = combine(technicalFee, explorationFee)
:36: error: type mismatch; found : Parser[TechnicalFee] required: Parser[Fee] Note: TechnicalFee <: Fee, but trait Parser is invariant in type A. You may wish to define A as +A instead. (SLS 4.5) val fee = combine(technicalFee, explorationFee) ^
:36: error: type mismatch; found : Parser[ExplorationFee] required: Parser[Fee] Note: ExplorationFee <: Fee, but trait Parser is invariant in type A. You may wish to define A as +A instead. (SLS 4.5) val fee = combine(technicalFee, explorationFee) ^ ``` --- # Combine ```scala val fee = combine( => f: Fee), => f: Fee) ) ``` -- ```scala val fee = combine( technicalFee.widen[Fee], explorationFee.widen[Fee] ) ``` ```scala scala> fee.parse(workbook) res43: Either[ParserError,Fee] = Right(ExplorationFee(1.4,5.8)) ``` --- # Parser is a SemigroupK ```scala trait Semigroup[A]{ def combine(x: A, y: A): A } trait SemigroupK[F[_]]{ def combineK[A](x: F[A], y: F[A]): F[A] } ``` -- ```scala implicit val parserSemigroupK: SemigroupK[Parser] = ... ``` ```scala val fee = technicalFee.widen[Fee] <+> explorationFee.widen[Fee] ``` ```scala scala> fee.parse(workbook) res44: Either[ParserError,Fee] = Right(ExplorationFee(1.4,5.8)) ``` --- # How to find abstractions ```scala def numericRange(workbook: Workbook, name: String): List[Double] = ??? ``` -- ```scala def numericRange(workbook: Workbook, name: String): Either[ParserError, List[Double]] = ??? ``` -- ```scala trait Parser[A]{ def parse(workbook: Workbook): Either[ParserError, A] } def product[A, B](pa: Parser[A], pb: Parser[B]): Parser[(A, B)] = ??? def combine[A](pa: Parser[A], pb: Parser[A]): Parser[A] = ??? ``` -- ```scala implicit def instances: Functor[Parser] with Cartesian[Parser] with SemigroupK[Parser] = ??? ``` --- # Is it worth it? ```scala val technicalFee = numeric("TechnicalFee").map(TechnicalFee) val explorationFee = (numeric("ExplorationFee") |@| numeric("PostExplorationFee")). map(ExplorationFee) val fee = technicalFee.widen[Fee] <+> explorationFee.widen[Fee] ``` --- class: center, middle # Thanks! Code and slides at `julien-truffaut/excel-parser` on GitHub ## Questions? --- # Bonus: Sequential composition ```scala sealed trait Cost extends Product with Serializable case class Hardcoded(value: List[Double]) extends Cost case class Parametrized(value: Double) extends Cost val cost = boolean("Cost").flatMap{ case true => numericRange("HardcodedCost").map(Hardcoded).widen[Cost] case false => numeric("ParametrizedCost").map(Parametrized).widen[Cost] } ```